
About the group

The aim of AOUP (Association of Oxford University Pensioners)  is to enable  employees who have retired from the University to keep in touch with each other and with the University. You become an Ordinary Member automatically if you are employed by the University of Oxford at the time of your retirement, and ordinary membership is also granted to your spouse or partner. On payment of a small annual subscription you (and your spouse/partner) can become a Social Member. This entitles you to take part in a range of activities organised by the AOUP Committee throughout the year.

Social membership is also available to staff who are employed by a college at the time of their retirement.

For further information about membership and its benefits, please visit the Membership page.


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AOUP was established by the University in 1985. At the time, the association was unique among universities in the UK, and it is still unusual.

The University funds the publication and distribution of our newsletter and supports a series of monthly lectures during the winter.

Although you become an Ordinary Member of AOUP automatically when you retire, we are unable to meet you individually at that time. However, we do like to meet you at our annual drinks reception  for new members, traditionally held on the last Monday of October at the Divinity School.

You will have the opportunity to meet our President, Chairman and Pensions Officer, and you might meet up with old friends or find new ones.

An invitation to the reception is sent to everyone who has retired during the previous 12 months. We look forward to meeting you!

Benefits for University Pensioners

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  • Discounts for Oxford University Staff
    • these are for people currently employed by the University, but if you have a university retirees card and show it, you may be eligible for discounts in shops and museums in Oxford